The extraction – my first serious visit to the dentist

Lately I strode into adult life by visiting the dentist. I decided that this rather routine visit needed a little bit of drama and hence decide to pen it down in verse following the maxim: “If it is not on social media, did it really happen?”

And here is the verse (worse?) that you have been waiting for.

For years I have known that my soul has a hole
But lately things have changed
There is a new one in my mouth as well
And my courage has been dazed.

It came up in an unexpected hour,
A tooth ache which went on and on,
And though my folks had come to my rescue,
My spirit was already forlorn —
But don’t waste your sympathy, please do not rue 
For while my teeth could not be saved
The icecream after was quite a rave.

It was going to be a little unpleasant
My dentist slowly detailed,
Explaining what she was about to do —
Anaesthesia, hammer and the tools
And you can imagine that I was very cool
Until the syringe reached out for my mouth,
I went pale and the lights went out.

With time, patience and expertise
And the numbness my pain seemed to cease,
But the ordeal was far from over then
For when the drugs started wearing off
I squirmed and writhed in agony and pain,
And it was a while before I was sane once again.

The body hurts, the body heals,
But there will be a day when it shall not,
While the mind is restless for that time
The heart wishes to worry not
And I don’t really understand!
The world heals, the world rots,
And in this cycle we do what we can — 
Heat the frigid cold and water the drought
But rest assured that a day will come
When all of this will come to a nought.
This is when we will realise
That all that we can really mend
Are our silly ways and our silly ends!
A few last words I may add
That in between if your teeth bother you,
It is perhaps a reminder of what is due. 

With that pleasant note, I leave you to contemplate your next visit to the dentist.